All variables start with the code var.
var is follwed by the name of the variable and the variables type as so.
var myVar:Number;
Variables are the heart of all code and they come in several different varieties depending on what you intend for them to do and accomplish.
For instance, you would use a variable to manage certain numbers while another managed words.
An Example of these is as follows.
var myVar:Number;
Number, are variables that deal solely with numbers and mathmatics so they handle a great bulk of variables that you would use within games.
var myVar:String;
String, are variables that deal solely with letters and words enabling passwords and the like to be recorded and stored via php.
var myVar:Boolean;
Boolean, are variables that deal with true or false scenarios. This kind of variable is one of the simplist, enabling an on or off answer only.
Here are some easy and simple variable examples below.
Mistakes can and will happen, so heres a few guides to help you allong if you stumble.